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Your voice in the State house

As a veteran, lifelong resident and dedicated community servant for over 15 years, I am honored to announce my candidacy for State Senate. I have committed myself to service of our country, and now I will commit myself to the service of our great state and District 28. Join me in this journey to a better future for our community.


By voting for me, you will have a voice in the State House because I am one of you. As a member of this community, I understand the issues that matter most to you and will work to represent your interests. Together, we can create a better future for our community.


I want to continue to hear from my neighbors about the important issues to them because they are important to me and the four generations of my family currently living in District 28. 


I care greatly about this community and support it however I can. I believe in access to quality public education for our children and show that by sending my children to public school as the 3rd generation of Cranston-educated Croke's. 


I care greatly about building and strengthening our community and think one of the best ways to do that is through sports and recreation. Having access to quality options for sports and recreation will allow our children to engage with other active children and bring the community together for games and events.


I am also passionate about health care including veteran care. As a patient of the VA health system, I want to ensure that my fellow veterans have access to the best health care and mental health options available. I have also been extremely fortunate to have access to some of the best care around when my family needed it most from my wife being diagnosed with MS to my son having a very rare extremely dangerous syndrome as a complication of mono. I want to ensure that this care is available to everyone who needs it. We have some of the best medical professionals and we need to keep it that way. 

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